11940 W. Central, Suite 100, Wichita, Kansas 67212 • Phone: 316-721-6730

Dentistry in Wichita, KS

General Family Dentistry

Professional Dental Hygiene

Everyone over the age of four or five should visit Dr. Nordhus for a professional hygiene appointment twice per year. Our gentle hygienists will inspect your gums for periodontal disease, the leading cause of tooth loss for American adults. The hygienists are specially trained to detect, deter, and treat gum disease. We prefer to help you maintain optimal oral health so that you never have to worry about gum disease. However, if you develop periodontal problems, we're here to help you.

If we find cause for concern, we may recommend that you change your oral healthcare routine or the products you use at home. We may also suggest periodontal therapy to address bacterial infection.

Call to make your six-month hygiene appointment now!

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11940 W. Central, Suite 100, Wichita, Kansas 67212 • Phone: 316-721-6730

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